A, An, and the are called Articles. Articles are divided into two types Definite Articles and Indefinite Articles.
Indefinite Articles = A, An
Definite Articles = The
Articles are used to note according to the Alphabets, but they are used according to the sound of alphabet.
Alphabet = 26
They are divided into two sounds.
1. Vowels Sound = 5 (A, E, I, O, U)
2. Consonant Sound = 21 (B, C, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W,X , Y, Z)
Indefinite Articles 'A':
A = Before a consonant sound in general usage when singular number. It is used with singular countable nouns. Which begin with consonant sounds.
Twelve Inches make a foot.
Charan bought a book.
He is a brave soldier.
He is a brave soldier of India.
Here, We have two words (A, An) = General Word and Particular Word is (The)
A = Before a word begins with when it gives the sound of (YU). ‘EU’/’U’ = (YU) Sound (consonant sound of ‘A’).
He is a European. (YU) Consonant sound of ‘A’.
The cow is a useful animal to man.
She is a Eurasian.
My uncle is a Union leader.
The sun is a Unique thing.
Spandana is a University student
When it gives the sound of ‘va’, it is considered a consonant sound.
I have a One rupee coin.
He is a One-armed soldier.
She is a One Legged begger.
A = Before abbreaviations begining with – (B, C,D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W, X , Y, Z) according to Designations and Eduactional qualifications.
Abhilash is a B.Tech.
Vinod is a CID officer.
She is a T.S.R.T.C conductor.
Pranathi is a B.sc.
Indefinite Article 'AN':
Before Vowel sound in ganeral usage with singular number. (A, E, I ,O, U).
A/I = Pure Vowels => ‘An’
E/U = Consonant sound (A) & Vowel sound (An).
O = Consonant sound (A) & Vowel sound (An)
An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
He is an American, but I am an Indian.
Harika bought an egg and made an omelette.
An old man carried an umbrella for a young girl.
Iam = Before a word begining with solent “H”.
Pronounced = Consonant sound.
Use ‘A’.
Silent “H” = Vowel sound => use “An”
Spandana stays in a hostel.
He went to a hospital.
It is a historical building.
I write for an hour.
He is an honest man.
The judge is an honorable person.
He is an heir.
An= Before abbreviation beginning with (A, E, F, H, I, L, M, N, O, R, S, O) referring to Designations and Educational qualifications.
He is an A.P.S.R.T.C driver.
She is an E.N.T doctor.
He is an I.A.S officer.
He is an L.I.C agent.
He is an S.P.
Nani has an M.B.A.
Raju has an M.Tech.
Definite Articles 'The':
The = Before the names of holy books, epics, newspapers, and magazines.
Holy Books:
The Bible is a holy book.
The Bhagavad Gita is a sacred book.
The Quran is a pious book.
The Ramayana is an epic.
The Mahabharata was conveyed by Vedhavyasa.
The Hindu is a national newspaper.
The Sakshi is a regional newspaper.
India Today
Reader’s Digest
Sports Star
Woman’s Era
The = Used before the superlative degree.
Adjective + -est = Superlative Degree
Most, best, least, worst = Superlative Degree
He is the bravest soldier in India.
She is the most intelligent student in the class.
He received the Best Student Award.
He is the worst singer in Hollywood.
Indicators of 'The':
Before the names of lakes, rivers, seas, oceans, hills, mountains, groups of islands, forests, deserts, canals, valleys, bays, plains, gulfs, waterfalls, and caves (all geographical areas).